Vitamin Used for Growth Promoter

Vitamin Used for Growth Promoter
Vitamins are organic compounds require by an organism as vital nutrient in limited amount. Vitamins are group of substance that are essential for normal cell function, growth and development.
Vitamins are 2-types
1.      Fat soluble (vit A, D, E, K)
2.      Water soluble (vit C, B-complex)
A.    Fat soluble vitamin
These vitamins stored in body fat. There are 9-water soluble vitamins.
B.     Water soluble vitamin
All water soluble vit excreted from body through urine. Vitamin B12 only water soluble vit which Store in Liver for many year
Function of vitamin:
a)      Vitamin A: (Ratinol)
·         Help in epithelization, teeth, bones, soft tissue.
·         Obtain from animal origon (milk product, egg yolk, liver)
·         Formed in body by B. carotene.
·         From vegetable origin (cabbage, lettuce, carrot)
b)     Vitamin B1:(Thiamin)
·         Carbohydrate metabolism strength nerve and heart.
c)      Vitamin B2:(Riboflavin)
·         Help in formation of RBC &Body growth
·         Important for tissue respiration
·         Sources; Liver, milk, egg.
d)     Vitamin B3:(Niacin)
·         Also called nicotinic acid.
·         Healthy skin nerve.
e)      Vitamin B5: (Pantothenic Acid)
·         Hormones level control and also cholesterols level control
·         Play important role in transfer acetyl group in body
f)       Vitamin B6: (pyridoxin)
·         RBC formation,
·         Brain functioning enhance
g)      Vitamin B12: (cyanocobalamin)
·         Maintain CNS
·         Sources; Liver, fish, egg
h)     Biotin:
·         Help in protein&CH2O metabolism. Also help in production of hormones and cholesterol.
·         Fat metabolism, fatty acid synthesis, gluconeogenesis
·         Sources; egg yolk and liver.
i)        Folic Acid:
·         Metabolic role of this is interdepended with Vitamin B12.
·         Help in nucleic acid formation, both require in rapidly growing cell.
·         Sources; yeast extract, liver, leafy vegetable
j)       Vitamin C:(Ascorbic acid)
·         Stress condition, healing, gum, teeth.
·         Sources; Potato, orange.
k)     Vitamin D:
·         cheapest vitamin, help in Calcium absorption from intestine and Calcium deposition in bone, teeth, bone strengthen.
l)        Vitamin E:
·         Also Called Tocopherol and tocotrienols.
·         It is given wit selenium
·         Antioxidant, RBC formation
·         Sources; oil, egg, butter, whole meal cereal.
m)   Vitamin K: (menaquinone)
·         Blood clotting (by forming Prothrombin in liver)
·         Made in large intestine
·         Leafy vegetable and meat
Dose rate of vitamin per day;
·         B 1-50 mg/kg
·         B 2-25 mg/kg
·         B 3-11 mg/kg
·         B 6-30 mg/kg
·         B 9-15 mg/kg
·         B 12-9-22 mg/kg
Food Source of Vitamins;
·         Vit A: green vegetable
·         Vit D: sunlight, fish
·         Vit E: green vegetables, plant and seed oil
·         Vit K: liver, beef, green vegetables and oil
·         Vit B: egg, leguminous plant, meat, green plant


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