Diagnostic Tests for Brucellosis

Diagnostic Tests for Brucellosis
1.      Milk Ring Test
It can be perform at herd level, milk tank, or individual level.
It is based on detecting specific agglutinin in the milk which cause agglutination in the milk.
Specific for detecting agglutinant agent which agglutinate stain antigen adding to the milk sample of the cow.
After incubation the presence of agglutination is determine by agglutination of stained antigen which rises with the cream layer.
In this test antigen is comprise of killed brucella abortis with dye (Hematoxin blue or Tetrazolium red)
·         If ring form than test +ve
·         If no ring form than test -ve

2.      Rose Bangal test
It is a serological test.
It is modification of serological test or serum agglutination test.
These are routinely perform for screening of brucella in dairy herd.
2-things important for it
2-Rose Bangal Dye (Antigen of brucella)
So this test is Antigen-Antibody reaction between Rose Bangal Dye and Brucella.
p.H is adjusted at 3.6 to prevent non-specific growth of other bacteria.
0.3ml serum and 0.3ml Rose Bangal dye mix and wait for 4-mint to check agglutination.
·         if agglutination than test +
·         if no-agglutination than -
·         Easy to perform
·         Cheaper          
·         Immediate result
·         It is better than SAT


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