Composition of Milk

Composition of Milk
Milk is a lacteal secretion practically free from colostrum and obtained by complete milking of animal. It is varies by Certain Physiological Factor.
·         Breed
·         Age of Lactation
·         Near to last of Gestation
·         Nutrition
·         Season
·         Health of Udder
·         Disease of animals
Two main things Present in Milk
1.      Water
2.      Total Solids
In milk other things which includes
·         Fat
·         SNF(Solid Not Fat)
·         Protein
·         Enzyme
·         Mineral
·         Vitamin
·         somatic cell
·         Leukocytes.
Normal numbers of Leukocyte in Milk are 100000-300000
Milk Contain:
1.      Water 87.25%.This may vary 80-90 depend on Species and Breed.
2.      Fat 3.8%
3.      Protein 3.5%
4.      Lactose 4.8%
5.      Mineral 0.65% (6-vitmin)
·         Water has largest part in Milk.
·         It holds total solid of milk and they remain partially suspended in Milk.
2-Fat (Creamy Taste)
·         It gives smoothnes&palateability
·         It gives creamy taste.
·         Fat is an early source of increase energy.
·         Also good Source of Vit.A and Vit.D.
·         Cholesterol and Phospholipid present in Milk Fat.
·         Fat are in the form of Globules when phospholipid are causing them to be separate attach with water.
·         Size and Arrangements of Fat globules affect the creamy, viscosity and churning of cream to butter.
3-Milk Protein:
Two type of Proteins.
1.      Casein Protein-Major portion 80% of total.
2.      Whey Protein-20%
·         Solid particles in suspension in milk known as Myces (Casein)-leading to Colloidal suspension.
·         These are Phosphoprotein present only in Milk.
·         There precipitation occurs at 4.5pH leading to curd.
·         82% Casein in Cow milk in Pak.
·         50% Lacto globulin.
·         20% Lacto albumin.
·         Blood serum albumin.
·         Minor Protein.
·         Enzyme.
·         Sweet taste of Milk due to Lactose.
·         Glucose+Glucose=Lactose.
·         Cattle milk contains lactose 4.5%.
·         Buffalo milk contains lactose 4.8%.
5-Milk Enzyme:
1.      Lipase:
·         Fat breakdown
·         Lipoprotein Lipase major attach with casein.
·         During Pasturization process we break the lipase enzyme to increase its shelf time.
2.      Proteases:
·         Break down of protein.
·         Plasmin is major Proteases in Milk.
·         Protein degradation can be undiscoverable and can be result in bitter off flavor.
3.      Lacto peroxidase:
·         Heat stable enzyme.
·         It is combine Hydrogen peroxide or increase antibacterial property increase storage time.
4.      Vitamin:
·         Rich source of Vitamin
·         Vitamin A , D, E, K,B1(Thiamine) and B2(Riboflavin).
·         Vitamin C in poor amount.
·         Vitamin B also present.
·         Large in quantity: Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium.
·         Small in quantity: Iron, Copper, Cobalt, Iodine, Ni, Mn, Si.


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