Foot and Mouth Disease

Foot and Mouth Disease
It is locally known as Mo khur in Pakistan and India. It causes more losses in Cattle as compared to buffalo.  Mostly cattle’s and exotic breeds are susceptible. Mouth lesions are more sever in Cattle and foot lesion are more sever in buffalo. 1992 study showed that cattle are more susceptible. It is not fatal but cause economic loss. Viral disease having febrile condition also contagious disease of Cloven Footed. It is characterized by vesicular eruption of cloven footed. Vesicular eruption of tongue, muzzle, teeth, udder, soft palate and dental pad.
Etiology of FMD
It is viral disease belonged to Family Picornaviridae and have Genus Apovirus.
·         7-Serotypes A, O, C, Asia 1,SAT1,SAT2,SAT3
·         A,O,C world wide spread
·         Asia 1 in Asia
·         SAT 1,2,3 in South Africa Territories
·         A, O, C and Asia 1 in Pakistan
·         Mostly serotype-O present in Pakistan
·         Morbidity 100 %
·         Mortality rate in Calf 20%& in Adult 2%
·         Transmission: secretion and excretion of body e.g Saliva, Urine, Aerosol up to 250 km and by direct contact.
·         Most important character of FMD is that virus is produced in large amount in infected animal and present in all secretion and excretion of animal includes urine, feces, exhaled air that is why it is contagious disease.
·         Virus present mostly in Oro-Pharynx for 2-3year in carrier animal
·         In milk 3-7wks
·         Survive in fecal for 14days in summer.
·         In Slurry 6 month.
·         In Urine 39days
·         In soil in summer 3days and in winter 28day.
·         Camel are Resistant to Natural infection specially Smaller camilides such as Alpacas, Lamas.
Susceptible Animals: Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat.
Survivability of Virus:
Its normal pH is 7.2-7.4. If pH increase up to 8 or less than 5 than virus will be dead. This virus infect human for this we should take care and low parturition. Heat at 56C for 15sec kills this virus. Sodium Hydroxide or Sodium Carbonate 4% solution are effective for kill. Acidic or Alkaline solution is effective for killing.
Pathogensis of FMD;
1.      Entry of virus through oral or inhalation route
2.      This go into oro-pharynx
3.      Swelling of Retropharyngeal Lymph node
4.      Multiplication in the Lymph node and then transferred to Blood
5.      Viremia occur when present blood.
6.      Again in oro-pharynx
7.      Cross stratified columnar epithelium
8.      Form vesicle and rupture within 48hrs
9.      Vesical present buccal cavity, tongue, udder, teat, foot region
10.  Vesical eruption than ulcer form.
11.  Viremia persist for 3day
Clinical Signs of Foot and Mouth Disease:
·         Interval period is 3-6Days
·         Fever up to 105 F
·         Sudden drop in milk production some time Aglectia (no milk)
·         Anorexia
·         Painful stomatitis
·         Profuse salivation, Stringy saliva, drooling of saliva
·         Vesicle rupture after 24-48 hr change into ulcer and leaving painful condition healing start within 1 week.
·         1st vesical appear on mouth than on foot
·         On foot vesical appear on interdigital space or Cornet region
·         After eruption more chance of 2ndary bacterial infection like staphylococcus.
Prevalent Period: 6 months. Below 6th month of age it appears as Acute Myocardial infection which causes myocarditis and sudden death in calves. In Calves sudden onset of dyspnea, convulsion and death. Some time it disturbs the other system. If GIT infected than diarrhea, dysentery, 50%wt loss. Some time it disturb the Endocrine Damage mostly Hypothalamus and it demage the Thermo regularity system than body temperature may rise or low. Lack of heat tolerance. Increase Hair formation on skin animal not bear high temperature and show panting.
Economic Importance:
·         Milk Production decrease, sometimes Aglectia.
·         In 2006 2 -million rupees loss in Pakistan.
·         Production loss 1-directly 2-indirectly
·         Clinical Findings
·         Laboratory Test like ELISA, CFT (complement fixation test), VNT (virus neutralizing test), T.C (tissue culture), AGPT (agar gel precipitation test) and FAT (fluorescent antibody test).
Treatment and Vaccination
No Specific Rx. Isolate the Sick animal with separate feeding and watering utensils. Wash the mouth of animal with 2% Alum solution or 1: 1000 dilution of Potassium per magnate KMnO4. Sodium hydroxide, Povidine (external surface),
Ointment for vesicle
·         Alum 1 tea spoon
·         Potassium Chlorate 1 tea spn
·         Boric acid 1 tea spon
Xylocain injection with 2% adrenalin 15ml injected
Smear on vesicle (mouth) three time a day
2% solution of CuSO4 washes feet lesion then smear with Povidine or Tincture Iodine
·         Tribacteril (Trimethoprin + Sulphadiazine) 20ml I.M for 4days in adult buffalo and cattle
·         Broad spectrum antibiotic.
·         Dipyrone (antipyretic) 25ml IM. Cold water therapy for fever can also be used.
·         Multivitamins(AD3E) 15ml I.M
·         Soft diet (Leafy) should be given
·         Protect lesion from flies to avoid maggots because maggots can produce lesions.
Ethno veterinary Practices.
·         Hot bread (Roti) with butter is offered which will rupture the vesicles
·         Walk on hot Sand or floor
·         Water from tanneries is applied on vesicles. It will dry vesicles
If disease come than we can also use serum. If not come than Prophylactic vaccine done
·         In Large Animal February and September
·         In Small animal April and October.
·         5cc in Large Animal 3cc in Small Animal
·         FMV trade name of vaccine and Aftabian-Ghazi Company


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