Bovine Viral Diarrhea

Bovine Viral Diarrhea
Synonyms of Bovine Viral Diarrhea are Bovine Peste Virus disease Complex or Mucosal disease virus.
It is cause by virus Peste virus belonging to family Plaviviridae. Virus divided in to 3-catagories
1.      BVD Virus/buffalo
2.      Border disease virus/Sheep
3.      Hog-cholara virus/Swine fever/pig
Peste virus has two biotype.
1.      Non-Cytopathogenic
It infection persist than animal will be carrier, cross placental barrier, come into fetus, as fetus mature virus also mature and convert into cytopathogenic.
2.      Cytopathogenic
Virus enters into cell and cause BVD
Susceptible age: 6-24 month
Study of disease upon population
Secretion and excretion, milk, nasal discharge, feces, direct contact, carrier/vector transmission
Two Vector:
a)      Mechanical/Physical---fomites(Utensil)
b)      Biological----Biting flies
Clinical Finding:
·         High Morbidity rate
·         Case Fetality rate low
Sub Clinical Finding:
·         mild fever
·         inappitance
·         leukopenia
·         mild diarrhea
·         spontaneous recovery of this disease in few days
Per-acute Clinical Findings:
·         severe depression
·         respiratory distress
·         enteritis
·         profuse watery diarrhea
·         conjunctivitis
·         dysentery
·         temp up to 106 F
·         aglectia
·         erosion formation in oral cavity
·         pregnant may abort in Last 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Acute Mucosal Disease:
·         sudden onset of this disease
·         morbidity low and mortality high up to 90%
·         drulling of saliva
·         Tachycardia, tachypnea
·         ruminal contraction low and later on Ruminal stasis
·         Profuse watery diarrhea which may contain blood mucous and having foul smellduring defecation animal feel pain
·         on skin mucous discrete erosion later on fuse become large area of Necrosis
·         Erosion inside lips, gum, dental pad, posterior part of hard palate, tongue and commissar.
·         Oral cavity has cooked appearance.
·         Grayish color of oral cavity due to necrosis and necrotic epithelium will be covering deep pink base
·         Mucopurulent nasal discharge
·         If go in Eye profuse lacrimation and corneal edema.
·         it cause Lameness due to 3-reason
1.      Laminitis: inflammation of lamina
2.      Coronitis: inflammation or cornea
3.      Erosion of inter digital space.
·         If diarrhea then weakness occur. Death of animal occur within 5-7 day
Thrombocytopenic or hemorrhagic disease
·         Fever
·         bloody diarrhea
·         Petechial Hemorrhages/Pin Hyphema (bleeding into anterior chamber of eye)
·         Epistaxis(bleeding from nose)
·         bleeding time prolong after injection or bite
Chronic Mucosal disease:
·         inappetence
·         intermittent bolus of diarrhea
·         animal emaciated
·         Chronic tympany and bloat
·         Hoof deformity
·         Chronic erosion in oral cavity
Reproductive Sign:
·         early embryonic death
·         abortion
·         low conception rate
·         fetal mummification
·         Still birth
·         Pre-mature birth
·         Congenital defect(due to cross the placental barrier)
·         weak fetus
·         Stunt growth.
Differential Diagnosis;
1.      Rinderpest
·         morbidity in RP 100 % But in BVD mortality increase and morbidity decrease
·         ulcer formation
·         occur on any age
2.      FMD:
·         Vesical formation
3.      IBR:
4.      MCF: Malignant Cattalic Fever
·         No specific Rx
·         Symptomatic Rx


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